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Wednesday, August 4, 2010
day 3ish
No Dining Out: the challenge is to prepare our own meals, instead of buying them. If we weren't on a meal plan, this might be a little easier since we wouldn't be restricted to only vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. Otherwise, I could just buy some boxed frozen dinners, chips, and lunch meat, and make pretty easy meals out of that. We have already decided what will be for dinner for each night of the week, so planning is not too difficult. The biggest challenge about not dining out is overcoming laziness.
Being on a meal plan (ie restricted diet, but I don't like to refer to it with negative words) means that we are consuming about twice as many vegetables and fruits. And that's really good for us, so I am happy! But. Those fruits and veggies ain't gonna wash and chop themselves either. I spent about an hour and a half yesterday cleaning and preparing the vegetables. So now when I want a snack, I just need to reach for the bag of carrots or the container of cucumber slices. Salads will be quick and easy to prepare because the lettuce is already washed and torn. The time for all that cleaning would have to be spent at some point. If it hadn't been knocked out in one very long fell swoop, it may not have ever been done. I hate to say it, but laziness has triumphed in the past, and dinner came in a bag from the drive through window, and the veggies spoiled from the bitterness of rejection.
I think I will be able to meet all my goals this week. The meal plan is being followed, and I haven't gone out to eat. As long as I go get on the treadmill now, I'll have a perfect 3 for 3 day record of exercising every day. I'm feeling good!
Other reasons why I feel good today: Kara taught me how to drive a standard, and then we went to the store and back without stalling out even once!
I had an interview for a teaching job at a Christian boarding school at 1230. I only got the call at 11, so I wasn't really prepared. I don't know how it will turn out, but I am encouraged that I might get a teaching job eventually.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
August Challenge: Day 1 & 2
Kara and David came over just as we finished eating. David and Ryan killed Zombies on the Zombie level of Call of Duty 4.2; Kara and I went to the fitness center.
I "ran" for about 11 minutes at 6.5 mph, with a little bit of brisk walking in between, so about a mile. It was tough! I haven't ran or exercised in over a month, and I am feeling it! Then I did chest presses on the machine; 3 sets of 8 at 45 lbs.
Today, Ryan and I had fresh mixed fruit for breakfast: strawberries, orange, blueberries, and grapes. I boiled some eggs, and had one as a snack. I'm about to go wash and prepare a fridge full of vegetables for salads and snacks: lettuce, carrots, celery, broccoli, cucumber.
Dinner tonight is fish fillet, asparagus, and whole grain brown rice. Dinners will usually have a type of starch, since there's not really any other starches in the meal plan.
I want to try to do one of those dance videos today. If Kara comes over to work out again, I'll do some leg presses on the machine.
Beginning stats on day 1:
- 139.6 lbs
- 11 minute jog
- clothes: very snug
the august Challenge
But I know that if I'm going to get into better shape, it is the one thing that will get me there. The exercise that I do enjoy includes weight training (on machines; free-weights + reanna = dangerous), group sports, and most recently zumba. Other factors involved in getting into better shape include healthier eating, and getting proper rest.
I'm doing ok on getting enough rest. I drink plenty of water. I take my vitamins and supplements, though I'd like to get onto a good multi-vitamin (of the pre-natal sort). So with the beginning of a new month, I am giving myself a month-long challenge.
My fitness goals:
- no dining out
- stay on the meal plan
- do some kind of exercise every day
An explaination of the goals:
- No Dining Out. The purposes of this goal are twofold. One) to save money on unnecessary spending when we have plenty of good food at home. Two) to resist indulging in fried, fatty, or overly processed food.
- Stay on the Meal Plan. The meal plan includes vegetables, fruit, light dairy, and lean meats. Goal #1 is key because the savings will most likely be transfered into spending on goal #2.
- Exercise Every Day. Our apartment has a fitness center with weight machines and cardio machines. I also have access to some dance workout videos through Netflix. Now I want to make good use of these resources.
Ryan is in on this, too. He found a great deal on beef filet at a meat market. We also have chicken breasts and fish filets. The fridge is full of vegetables and fruit. There are some non-meal plan foods in the pantry that I'll allow myself to snack on until they run out, but I will not buy any more.
I will try to chronicle my progess during this challenge. There will be a few blips throughout the month, I'm sure. This weekend will definitely be one, since it is Ryan's graduation weekend! There is a church retreat we're going to in a few weeks, too. But everyone knows that calories at a church function don't count, right?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
food and clothes
This morning I wanted to study Matt 6:24-34. I read it slowly, bit by bit, in about 12 versions. I studied more with the Lexicon. I was asking the Lord to help me not to worry, but to also tell me how do this.
So birds don't work, and are still fed. Lillies don't toil and are still better dressed than the nicest clothes on a man. They don't do anything, and are well provided for. So am I supposed to just have faith that even if I don't work, I should still trust and expect God to provide all I need?
He can do that. He often does. But more often it seems like he has us working in a money making job so that provision can be made. So then what do I "do?" is my question. In the past, I've scrambled and stretched myself in silly ways to make money so we could be better off. Then I realize it may have been a mistake. But then what can I do to seek his kingdom and righteousness, so that all the rest will be added?
Then Deut 28 came to mind. "If you do these things, you will be blessed. If you don't, these are the curses you'll receive." That's the gist of it. And I realized that even though God may not have laid out specific instructions on how I should acquire and spend money, he has laid out instructions I should follow on how to act. Doing things according to his way results in blessings. Not doing those things, along with being unwise and wasteful has natural consequences of curses.
For me, that's what it means to "seek his kingdom and his righteousness first". Follow the principles of Godly living. Be wise and responsible. Be content. Trust him in and for everything. If I can be more concerned with this, then money and stuff will become less important. And besides the natural consequence of Godly living, there will be blessings. I see it all the time, for others and in my own life. I feel like this is one of the best and most practical promises that proves the love of God.
He is real, and he is good, and fullness of joy is for the one in his presence.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Leadership Training
I went to an LT in 2004. It was in Orlando at the time. And I was 22. On my way to Florida, I remember thinking "I am not a leader right now. I am going to be trained to be a leader. At the end of this summer, I will know how to be a good leader!" It sounded like a good idea. But it was the wrong idea. I expected sessions on "How to come up with good ideas that people will follow", and "How to problem solve", and "How to be a good Christian Leader".
Imagine my surprise when the first speaker said something to the effect of "I don't really have this being-Christian thing figured out. All I can tell you is it is a process." I didn't get what I expected to get from that summer. I got a lot of headaches and issues, and a lot of other stuff that came to the surface. There were some good times and good friends made too, though.
But that's LT for you. I think of it more as Life Training. Because really, life is about the decisions we make and living with the results. The effect of LT is to help young people learn how to be whole and live well. You become more of someone who is devoted to the Lord and to loving people, and who makes good decisions in line with the will of God, and who helps others do that too. LT is a pressure cooker that brings a lot of issues to the surface, so they can be dealt with in a healthy way. When you are whole and healthy, you are more able to do what is right. That type of person has more influence on others who also want to be that way. That person also knows how (and why) to choose to be less self absorbed. A leader is not the chief of the clan or the alpha of the pack. It is a person who is able to share wisdom learned from experience. Someone who is willing to step up and do what others are afraid/embarrassed/ignorant/unwilling to do. Leaders still make mistakes, but they know how to learn and grow from them. These are some of the things I learned from LT.
But opportunity is the true test. Leaders became leaders because they learned how to make the right choices and were blessed. LT teaches you how to interpret life, others, yourself. Its okay if it brings out the worst in you as long as that leads to bringing out the best in you. Its a season you won't ever forget because of the life lessons you go through. I know I am still learning from them every time I remember that summer 6 years ago. I know I am also living more in reality today than I was the first day of LT. I know I'm better off, and am more whole, and am more in God's will than ever. I went to LT because I wanted to be a leader in a group, to be respected, and to get to make decisions. It was still a long time after that before I could be anything close to real leadership material. And right now, I'm not a recognized "leader" of anything, but I'm still a leader. Not even because I want to be. I am because I love the Lord, and He has given me love for people. I've had a lot of chances to make mistakes, learn from them, and learn how to make good decisions. I still mess up, and still don't have it figured out. But it's a process.
What have you learned from LT?
Monday, July 5, 2010
ryan started his new job in on May 24, as a drafting tech at a survey company. he stayed with friends for about a month.
we got to see each other on weekends from then until i moved to san marcos.
i had a really fun birthday party on the 29th of may.
ryan and his brothers moved almost all of our belongings into a storage unit in mid may.
i spent four weeks packing the cabinets and closets, and getting the inside of the house looking good.
we tried to sell the house, but ended up renting it out.
we spent 2 weeks waiting for our apartment application to be approved, and stayed with friends until we got the apartment.
my last day of work at a&m was june 18, and they gave me an awesome farewell. i will miss them all.
we got our apartment 5 days ago, and are almost completely done. all the rooms are set up but the office.
our first guests will be the Floods, who will be here to stay the night this friday. hope we're ready for them by then!
i like it here. i like being in the same town with my people. i love it.
Monday, May 24, 2010
the Bird.
Their slogan is "It's not Normal". Very true. Where else can you get a fantastic, addicting, overly satisfying tex-mex meal rolled into a burrito at a reasonable rate? I have not driven hours for any other restaurant. I would not have waited in line for 45 minutes today for any other dinner.
One of the first things I did when I found out we were moving to Corpus was research whether there was a Freebirds here. No, there was not. I then promptly put in my request to their headquarters, via a friend in the business office, for them to open one. The day has finally come!
My house is completely empty except for some dishes, bathroom items, clothes, and an air mattress. I will be moving to join Ryan in San Marcos on June 18. He is finished with school, and has found a job in Austin as a Surveyor. Today was actually his first day of work. My desire is to work at Texas State University, motivating students to be proactive about finding a career. There are still hours and hours of work left to do before I will be satisfied with the condition of the house. I've been wanting to add to this blog for a month, but can't bring myself to invest the time which would be more wisely spent on boxing up appliances or polishing the floors. All of that in good time, now.
I want to rest and enjoy my moment. I want to rest and enjoy my dinner. I want to reminisce back to November 1997, when I enjoyed my first Freebird burrito. It was the night of Bonfire, and my sister, then a freshman at A&M took our family to the original Freebirds on Northgate. I was unimpressed by the long line. Unimpressed by the trendy music, decor, and staff. Then the Good Lord Dear Sweet Jesus blessed my soul upon my first bite. Since then, I've determined and stuck with my regular:
Half Bird on Spinach; rice & mix cheese; black beans; white chicken; roasted garlic; lime; salsa, tomatoes, cilantro, corn relish, and lettuce. HC - $5. Freebirds opening the week of my birthday - $ priceless.
Not everyone will appreciate my infatuation. I know, without question, that Ryan does. He, too, for the last several years has been awaiting something as equally awesome in its own right. Then a few months ago, his dreams were realized with an invitation to be a beta tester for StarCraft II. Today I must humble myself and ask his forgiveness for giving him a hard time for loving his stupid new game with such devotion and attention.
Tease me if you will. But I likes me some Freebirds, maybe a little more than others. I know it's not normal.
How do you get your Bird?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
One of "Those" Days
I can tell today is going to be one of “those” days where I’m probably going to just eat everything in sight. You know what I’m talking about ladies.
I had kind of a randomly pieced together dream last night, and in it, I was at a type of church group gathering at night in a coffee shop, much like Coffee Waves. It was Fellowship Church/church people at first, and the feel was as if we were at a staff retreat. Then the group morphed into the Victory Church group, and we were talking about the fundraisers for VKids and missions. But the whole time, everyone was eating pizza. There were hundreds of pizza boxes everywhere. I didn’t get to eat any, though, then found myself just outside. Everyone had eaten their fill, so the delivery boy was driving off in a jeep with all the left-overs. I tried to get some through the backseat window, even had a slice in my hand. But I never got to eat it because other things were going on. Needless to say, I woke up with a taste for pizza in my mouth.
I went for a brisk run yesterday, and felt so proud of myself. Then Ryan even mentioned that he could tell I have been exercising. I felt so happy about it! But then that taste crept its way back onto my taste buds. Why, yummy pizza, do you have to be so bad for me? I’d really like to be bff’s with you, really. But alas, I must tether to you in more of a love-hate relationship.
Since it is an eat-everything day, I dug a hefty spoonful of peanut butter out of the jar before heading off to work. Mind you, this was after packing a decent lunch, complete with snacks. As I was putting the jar back into the cabinet, I glanced at the nutritional facts: 2T = 190 calories (ok, not bad) and 16g total fat, which is 25% for the day. Well then it’s nice to know I’ve gotten that out of the way. If I ate 3 more of these, then I’d be confined to carrots and celery the rest of the day. I guess I must refrain if I want to allow myself to any of my lunch or snacks that are not carrots and celery.
I won’t go on and on with the details of how I also indulged in a cup of pudding, got my slice of pizza then also went to get jalapeƱo nachos but didn’t because the line was too long, or how I can’t stop thinking about how I want to quit eating food altogether.
At least it’s only one or two days a month. Too bad it’s a lifelong ordeal. As long as the victories are greater and more in number than the defeats, I will let myself be satisfied.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Things That Make Me Smile
These are some things that make me smile:
Seeing people I love. Getting to talk with them, no matter how small or grand the conversation is. Seeing that person smile. I take great delight in the joy and happiness of my darlings.
Seeing someone I love cry. Unless it's because of my own stupid self. I am touched when a friend would feel safe enough to cry and and want to talk with me. It is humbling.
Hugs and kisses from little kids. They love so purely and sweetly.
When the sky is sunny, but it is raining.
Seeing the bay on the way to work, when it is deep blue, and flat as glass. Very calming.
Text messages. Not text conversations. But little notes that say hi, i like you, and so forth. Or even just to say you'll be a few minutes late. Now that's classy.
Sharing something in common with a friend, like a show or a joke, or a hobby.
(I do realize that the above statement is a bit of a paradox in this list, as they are supposed to be things that I feel are key in my own personality. But it is the enjoyment of sharing that I want to focus on here.)
Knowing that a few people will read this.
Knowing that at least one person will reply with a comment of some sort.
Watching Ryan sleep. And hearing him talk in his sleep.
Eating food.
The moment I get into bed. It is the Best part of the day!
Tyoing without looking at the screen. In fact i'm doing it right now, and i won't even go back and edit it so ha!
Watching the sun when it is heavy and golden.
Hearing Kara tell stories.
Trying to retell them, and messing them up, then saying that she tells them better.
Experiencing something new, unless it is scary.
Days like yesterday. I wish every day was like yesterday's weather.
Puppies! And most baby animals.
About a half a beer will make me smile too.
Pretty pictures, well made music, well made films. Decent art in general.
Crossing off items on my To Do list.
Stalking and swatting a fly.
Completing a task, and feeling satisfied with myself. I enjoy that feeling, and I enjoy that about myself.
Clever puns.
Stupid jokes.
Swapping life stories with new and old friends.
When people remember things that I like. You have no idea how much that makes me smile.
When people get me, and I don't have to explain myself, or end up feeling like a jerk face.
Baby pictures.
Saying I love you to people.
Daydreaming about the future with a friend.
Doing stuff, and then relaxing.
I'm sure a lot of these things may be similar for you. I am betting that at least one of these things, even just one, is not something you'd be able to claim as your own. Hence, this list is particular to me. Anyways, I just thought I'd share these things. They make me smile.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Things That Really Were a Good Idea
Buying the money pit (the house), I hope.
Every job I’ve had, no matter what I complained about. Even Little Caesar’s.
Selling the Silver Bullet (Explorer Sport Trac) and getting Thunder Dog (Honda Accord).
Going to A&M, WHOOP!
Staying in Taekwondo though I wasn’t very good, until I got good enough to win gold. Twice.
Learning how to play the guitar.
Going to Jamaica for the honeymoon.
Going to Mexico with various missions.
Moving in with Kara the week after we met.
Living with the Stanleys a few summers ago.
Skeek 2006.
LT Orlando 2004.
Being in the Corps.
Registering for a crockpot.
Learning how to cook.
Deciding not to buy a puppy for Christmas, then getting Jack for free a few months later.
Forcing myself to go exercise.
Switching over to French-press coffee.
All 31 out of 31 of my various, random, diverse, normal and crazy roommates over the years. Corina, Kim, Lindsay, Candice, Jenny H, Ashley, Jenny Wu, Lauren, Monia, Holly, Christina, Lois, Leah, Bethany, Amber, Sarah, Nicole, Becky, Karen, Desire, Erica, Emily, Dyanne, Angela, Cori, Liu Qing, Anna, Krista, Kara, and Ryan.
Living in Corpus Christi these past few years, spending time together, and with the friends we’ve made.
Catching up with friends instead of napping, at the retreat last month.
Getting Netflix.
Learning how to use make up and walk in heels.
Hmm, what else?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Things That Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time
Buying into Mary Kay with the most expensive starter package.
Quitting the engineering program to get a degree in communication.
Picking out my clothes for the day before fully waking up.
Eating left over sushi.
Buying a pair of “motivational” pants 2 sizes too small.
Leaving fish in the fridge for over a week.
Going to the 11pm movie on a work night.
Assuming I work best under pressure, then waiting till the last minute.
Having two servings of beans for lunch.
Getting the large box of cheap wine-in-a-box.
Leaving the puppy in the same room with a roll of toilet paper on the floor.
Assuming the gas empty light still works, even when the needle was below E.
Painting my toenails right before going to play beach volleyball.
Wearing shorts in January just because it looked sunny.
Chewing tobacco that one time.
Taking a nap while someone else is driving and they don’t know the directions very well.
Taking a nap while I’m driving.
Asking someone “So what do you really think of me?”
Getting my tongue pierced. Both times.
That wedding cake.
Renewing my AT&T contract by choosing a refurbished phone that only lasted 9 months.
Selling Ryan’s new truck to get the 30 year old BMW.
Ordering CDs from BMG based on the album cover.
Speaking my mind about certain movies/singers before knowing that I'm talking about someone's fav.
Volunteering for 3 events on the same day.
Turning a tan into a burn the day before my wedding by laying in the solar bed for 2 minutes too long.
What is on your list. =)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Our growing family
Based on the size and pattern of his teeth, we figure he is almost 3 months old. He has all his deciduous (baby) teeth, and they are well separated in the front, meaning they are making room for the insidious (adult) teeth. He hasn't lost any yet, which usually happens around 3 months old for small dogs. Another hint at his age is that he doesn't look like he is even close to being ready for neutering, which happens around 4 months for small dogs. We want to let him develop naturally, but when he seems to be big enough, he'll be getting fixed.
We went to Petsmart last night to get him a collar, leash, and kennel. The collar and leash are black, which complement his dark eyes and nose very well. He got a lot of attention at the store for being so sweet and happy. He didn't bark at all. He is not very yappy, which is another trait of Rat Terriers. He's only about 5.5 lbs now, and we don't expect him to get much bigger than 15 lbs. When we were deciding on what kind of dog we wanted, the main points were:
-we wanted a boy
-he should not shed, Ryan has allergies
-he should be easy to kennel train
-he should not be too yappy
-he should be fairly cheap to maintain
-he should be small
Jack is all of that and more! He is super smart. He already knows his name, and a few words like Outside, Hungry, Go In, Good Boy, and of course NO! Terriers are able to know as many as 100 words and commands, so we'll be trying to train him soon. I've found a neat website that teaches you how to train and exercise dogs mentally and physically, so we'll probably take a lot of tips from there: http://www.k9station.com/mentalstim.htm
And here are some more pictures!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
how do you know that? you may ask.
well, i would respond, i just happen to have a peach tree in my backyard.
are the peaches good? you may further ask.
i wouldn't know, would be my response. peaches blossom late in the spring, and the fruit grows over the period of about 3 months. they become ripe in late june, by which time i have been temporarily relocated for the past two summers.
i am hoping to get to finally enjoy a few of this years peaches.
ironicly, the background shows the blossom with lots of leaves. but in real life, the leaves are barely little shoots when the flower is in full bloom. you can see what i mean below...
this is what they look like after about 1 month
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
it's been Decade since high school?
life is good right now. i am enjoying my job. ryan is in his last semester EVER. we are getting our house all nice and fixed up. our families are happy and healthy. God had been really good and sweet with us. i have a lot of love and hope in my heart.
i was talking with a friend earlier tonight about her classes. she's in a Social Networking class, and has to write a blog now. i asked what she'd be bloging about, and she said there would be discussion topics as prompts. i said i had a blog, but that i don't have much to write about. i have strong feelings and opinions about a lot of stuff, and very little opinion about even more stuff. i said that i don't write about them too much b/c that makes me vulnerable to criticizm.
then she said something like "but isn't that why you should? to become better?"
yeah, i guess it is. she often impresses me with her insight.
i'm okay with being wrong, and then being corrected. but if i can, i'd rather just entertain instead of push buttons. so, with that being said, i'll recite a few of the random things that are on my mind:
- i like the new line up with Jay at 9 and then Conan at 10:30. thus, i'm upset with NBC.
- i still haven't seen Avatar. i don't know if i ever will.
- i like the way Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson is settling nicly into his career as a family friendly film star.
- the whole thing about Haiti makes my heart sad. it makes me want to go down there and help.
- someday, i want to have a dog and name him Duke.
- i like the name Noel for a little girl. my little girl. i would like to have a little girl someday, and name her Noel.
- i feel like God likes it when i at least want to surrender my heart and let him take care of things. it makes it easier to actually let that happen. then he often promptly steps in and starts doing awesome stuff, and then i remember how good he is, and how that's how it's supposed to be anyways.
- i like those "what have you done for your marriage today" posters.
- water is so good. i love how it tastes, and how it makes me feel.
- i'd like to have a house with carpet.
- "Phillip the hyper hypo" makes me laugh every time.
- i started writing a book. it is relevant, heartmoving, and intense. someday i might finish it.
- a fun joke is when someone walks by you, say HEY! Why haven't you returned any of my phone calls! That hurts my feelings!
then while they are checking their phones for missed calls, and saying they are sorry, admit that you're just kidding. and then ask them for their number.
- i know the item above sounds horrible, but in real life its kind of funny. i've gotten several girls at work with it, and now they are passing it along.
- i realize the title to this blog is random and non-pertinent. let me asuage you from thinking that it may be anything but.
i'm getting sleepy now, so i'll go switch the laundry over from the washer to the dryer before i forget. i love you. goodnight.