Welcome Friends

I hope you enjoy reading these stories and thoughts. Ryan and I have recently moved to San Marcos as members of a church plant team, to reach out to the campus of Texas State University. We love spending time with family and friends, and we are enjoying the adventure this life is taking us on. We have a lot of fun ideas and enjoy our life together. These are the gems we'd like to share with you.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

16 - finals time

ryan is taking a final at this very moment. then tomorrow he will take his last final, and be done with this semester. it was a very busy, challenging semester for him. 4 4-hour classes, each with its own lab. besides being in classes all day long, his time was bogged with various projects such as writing computer programs, physics quizes, designing maps, surveying the Texas A&M CC campus, and creating original maps with that survey information.

i think i got to spend a total of 14 hours with him this entire semester. we're glad for it to be over. next semester will be less frantic, but must begin with ryan going on a pre-semester field camp for 5 days. his absense will be over and done with quickly instead of spanning the entire semester.

I WENT TO MEXICO again on saturday. it was a one day trip, leaving at 7am and returning at 9pm. we went to the orphanage to throw a Christmas party for the children and workers there. the children made gingerbread houses, which they promptly ate upon completion. some of the older girls sat around with me and taught me "Silent Night" in spanish. we also sang Feliz Navidad and We Wish you a Merry Christmas. it was a lot of fun. before we left, a college aged girl named Edith told me i need to learn more songs in spanish before i come back. we all agreed.

next we went to a village that is in the city dump. about 200 people live there. we distributed a grocery bag with bags of beans, rice, sugar, and bottles of cooking oil, as well as clothes, shoes, and candy. many people asked to receive prayer, and were very moved by the Lord. we were in and out in about 45 minutes, as we needed to hit the road for the return trip. but the plan for the next trip will be to stay there for a few hours, bring more food and clothes, give a teaching, and pray for everyone who asks.

i was awefully sick the days before the trip, and right after it. but by grace, i was perfectly fine on saturday for the entire day. and grace was abundant over me, because yet again, someone sponsered my way for the trip. i am very thankful to the Lord, who is showing me his faithfulness, and teaching me to excercise my own extent of faithfulness.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

10 - diet results

well, i feel like i had a really successful strict fruits/vegatables cleanse diet last week. my skin is "glowing" (according to a friend), i had rediculous energy and creativity, and i lost about 5 pounds.
however, along with those 5 pounds, i also lost most of my beneficial bacteria throughout my digetstive tract due to the first day's milk of magnesia flush. i fail to take any probiotics which would replace my needed internal flora, and became suceptable to harmful bacteria infections.
i had even thought "i hope i don't get any kind of infection because i didn't take those probiotics", even though i had a bottle of them in my own pantry.
on monday, i wanted to eat an avacado which i had already cut in half a few days beforehand. for some reason, i thought it was a good idea to let it sit out on the counter, so it could ripen up. later on that night, i was feeling kind of sick. nauseated, crampy, bad tummy ache. and pretty much all day yesterday was spent sleeping on the couch until about 2, then moping around the rest of the day. i had not eaten anything until ryan came home and made me some soup. i still couldn't eat the noodles or chicken bits, but enjoyed the broth and veggies. he also brought home some 7up, which has been an all time remedy for stomach infections at the crozier house.
altogether, the soup and soda helped a lot last night, and still today. i feel better today, but still have the pain in my insides and muscles with some nausea. other suggestions have been offered to help me in my situation. i appreciate any comments/tips.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

6 - lookin for work

this past summer, i applied to 21 school teaching jobs. i heard back from a private baptist school, who would have paid just under 20k for the year. expecting a better offer, i turned them down. i was not hired for any teaching job at all, nor any of the other 20 bank/office/admin/sales jobs i applied for.
we tried to start up an at-home bussiness building lawn ornaments, but i have still been searching and applying for jobs left and right. i'd guess that i've submitted another 20-30 applications since october. i'd been feeling frustrated and depressed about not having an income and having to live off of savings.
i was praying about a few days ago, and felt like the Lord was telling me to relax. he showed me how i've always had exactly what i've needed including jobs. he reminded me of most of the jobs that i've had, and how they came at the right time, to fit my needs. in fact, he told me that even if i'd applied to more teaching jobs this summer, it wouldn't have mattered. i'd been afraid i'd missed out on his plan by not applying to every single one, but realized i am in his will by not having a job. he is testing faith right now. i have to believe that he will take care of us. so instead of demanding a job, i am just praying for insight as to know what my next steps should be.
i'm sure that when the time is right, i'll get a job that will provide what we need. and that opportunities will come that will provide more of what we need.