Welcome Friends

I hope you enjoy reading these stories and thoughts. Ryan and I have recently moved to San Marcos as members of a church plant team, to reach out to the campus of Texas State University. We love spending time with family and friends, and we are enjoying the adventure this life is taking us on. We have a lot of fun ideas and enjoy our life together. These are the gems we'd like to share with you.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

food and clothes

Ryan and I are working on setting a budget. This is tricky because I still don't have a job yet. I've been applying to a lot of postings, and might visit the TX workforce if I don't get an offer soon. So thinking and/or worrying about money has consumed my mind and energy lately.

This morning I wanted to study Matt 6:24-34. I read it slowly, bit by bit, in about 12 versions. I studied more with the Lexicon. I was asking the Lord to help me not to worry, but to also tell me how do this.

So birds don't work, and are still fed. Lillies don't toil and are still better dressed than the nicest clothes on a man. They don't do anything, and are well provided for. So am I supposed to just have faith that even if I don't work, I should still trust and expect God to provide all I need?

He can do that. He often does. But more often it seems like he has us working in a money making job so that provision can be made. So then what do I "do?" is my question. In the past, I've scrambled and stretched myself in silly ways to make money so we could be better off. Then I realize it may have been a mistake. But then what can I do to seek his kingdom and righteousness, so that all the rest will be added?

Then Deut 28 came to mind. "If you do these things, you will be blessed. If you don't, these are the curses you'll receive." That's the gist of it. And I realized that even though God may not have laid out specific instructions on how I should acquire and spend money, he has laid out instructions I should follow on how to act. Doing things according to his way results in blessings. Not doing those things, along with being unwise and wasteful has natural consequences of curses.

For me, that's what it means to "seek his kingdom and his righteousness first". Follow the principles of Godly living. Be wise and responsible. Be content. Trust him in and for everything. If I can be more concerned with this, then money and stuff will become less important. And besides the natural consequence of Godly living, there will be blessings. I see it all the time, for others and in my own life. I feel like this is one of the best and most practical promises that proves the love of God.

He is real, and he is good, and fullness of joy is for the one in his presence.