Welcome Friends

I hope you enjoy reading these stories and thoughts. Ryan and I have recently moved to San Marcos as members of a church plant team, to reach out to the campus of Texas State University. We love spending time with family and friends, and we are enjoying the adventure this life is taking us on. We have a lot of fun ideas and enjoy our life together. These are the gems we'd like to share with you.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Things That Really Were a Good Idea

Ryan Stanley.
Buying the money pit (the house), I hope.
Every job I’ve had, no matter what I complained about. Even Little Caesar’s.
Selling the Silver Bullet (Explorer Sport Trac) and getting Thunder Dog (Honda Accord).
Going to A&M, WHOOP!
Staying in Taekwondo though I wasn’t very good, until I got good enough to win gold. Twice.
Learning how to play the guitar.
Going to Jamaica for the honeymoon.
Going to Mexico with various missions.
Moving in with Kara the week after we met.
Living with the Stanleys a few summers ago.
Skeek 2006.
LT Orlando 2004.
Being in the Corps.
Registering for a crockpot.
Learning how to cook.
Deciding not to buy a puppy for Christmas, then getting Jack for free a few months later.
Forcing myself to go exercise.
Switching over to French-press coffee.
All 31 out of 31 of my various, random, diverse, normal and crazy roommates over the years. Corina, Kim, Lindsay, Candice, Jenny H, Ashley, Jenny Wu, Lauren, Monia, Holly, Christina, Lois, Leah, Bethany, Amber, Sarah, Nicole, Becky, Karen, Desire, Erica, Emily, Dyanne, Angela, Cori, Liu Qing, Anna, Krista, Kara, and Ryan.
Living in Corpus Christi these past few years, spending time together, and with the friends we’ve made.
Catching up with friends instead of napping, at the retreat last month.
Getting Netflix.
Learning how to use make up and walk in heels.

Hmm, what else?


  1. Marrying my best friend? I think that was a good idea :-)

  2. Ha ha, I just looked at the post again, of course that was the first thing...
