We've been married for 3 years. We knew it would be several years before we'd have children (if we could help it). Early on, I started replying to the "when" question with the Five Year Plan. Some people scoffed, some thought it was a cute idea, others thought it was brilliant.
I thought it was brilliant until my sister started having babies. I didn't ever really like babies all that much. But now, I love them! And, surprise, I want one to have one, too. But I digress.
The five year plan begins with us successfully growing plants. Within 6 months of marriage, we had a full blown tomato garden with 16 plants, and even a watermelon patch. Grow plants, check.
The second stage would be to maybe get a fish, and keep that alive. Later, we'd get a dog. This would be our first real life to be responsible for. And we could practice team parenting being consistent with discipline. Then, when we're good and ready, a baby.
Around Christmas time, Ryan and I were talking about getting a puppy from the animal shelter. But then the window on my car broke, and we had to spend more than we wanted to for that. So we gave up on the puppy idea easily enough. Then, for some reason, I went through a phase of begging Ryan every day for us to have a baby. He's been so patient with me, and reminds me that we should wait a little longer if we can.
So, to get to the point, we still got a Puppy! I went to a get-together at a friend's house the other night, and saw a little yellow stray puppy that she had taken in. He didn't get along with her dog, and she was hoping to find someone who'd take it off her hands. He was so cute! I said to her that I just might take him home. Ryan and I talked it over for a few days, then made our decision. We brought him home 3 nights ago. He's our new little baby.
There are only 2 or 3 things we know for sure. He is a boy, and he is blond, with a white chest. The rest is speculation, but we think he's part Chihuahua, Fox Terrier, and maybe Jack Russel. He looks about 10 weeks old. His little teeth and little claws are super sharp, but that doesn't keep him from digging in anyways! He is pretty smart, and is even almost house trained. He didn't have a name for a few days, but then we decided on Jack.
The name fits him pretty well. Quick, simple, Jack. I was telling a friend about him yesterday, how he runs everywhere. I don't think I've seen him walk once. He runs to get to his toys, then slides to stop. He runs to get to a place to lay down. He still falls over when he's running, because he's still working on his coordination.
Yeah, we like him. A lot! There's a lot that's already happened in the last few days that I've enjoyed about him. He took a shower with me last night, and that was pretty fun. He is small enough to crawl under and play under the coffee table. He likes to lay on the arm of the couch. He still squeaks and has a baby "ruff!" His tail wags him. He is a pretty neat little guy.
But what I love the most is watching Ryan with him. I like to hear Ryan talk to him in a daddy voice. I like to see them play. I like the way he tells me his ideas on what we need to do to take care of him. I like when he asks me "how's Jack" on the phone, when he's not home. I like seeing Ryan be a daddy.
...Well, he just gave us our first scare. Laying on the arm of the couch became falling off the arm of the couch. So he's limping around now, but he's going to be just fine. He's still trying to run, even with a hurt front leg. I'd like to take some more pictures, but the camera battery is charging right now. Hope you enjoy these for now.